Feminist Humanitarian Network

The Feminist Humanitarian Network (FHN) is a global collective of feminist leaders working together to transform the humanitarian system into one that is guided by feminist principles.


Members of the Feminist Humanitarian Network together at Women Deliver 2023.


For too long, the needs and rights of women, girls and gender-diverse people have gone overlooked by the humanitarian system, and their leadership and voices have been ignored.

Our vision

An intersectional feminist ecosystem in which grassroots and national feminist actors have the power to ensure all women, girls and gender-diverse people’s fundamental human needs are fulfilled before, during, and after crises.

Our goal

To contribute to transforming the current humanitarian system into an intersectional feminist ecosystem, free of the structural inequalities that drive crises, including racism, patriarchy, colonialism and neoliberalism.


International Women’s Day 2024

To mark IWD2024, the FHN interviewed four members, feminists working on the frontlines of humanitarian crisis - to ask some important questions. Read our interviews here.

The FHN at CSW68

The Feminist Humanitarian Network will be travelling to New York City, US to attend this year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68). Find out more about our events.

Ending genocide is a feminist issue

Read our latest statement on the situation in Gaza and on why ending genocide and preventing atrocities everywhere they are occurring or at risk of occurring globally is a feminist issue.

The Network

Our diverse network is currently comprised of  85 members including: grassroots and national feminist and women’s rights organisations; national and regional feminist and women’s networks; international NGOs, federations and organisations headquartered in the Global North; and individuals. 

Together we are working to redress power inequalities within the humanitarian system.

We are committed to maintaining a balance of 70% grassroots/national organisations in the Global South and 30% international NGOs, federations and organisations headquartered in the Global North.

Find out more about the members of The Feminist Humanitarian Network here.

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Become a member

Interested in becoming a member of the Feminist Humanitarian Network?